We are closed on Monday, May 20th, 2024. All 3Day deliveries will be delayed up to 24 hours


Please enter your tracking number as received upon confirmation of shipment.

Orders with an incorrect address will be cancelled, the delivery address cannot be changed. If you notice an
error in your contact information after receiving your order confirmation, you should immediately call OCS Customer
Service at 1-888-910-0627 to update your phone number.

Same Day/3Day Deliveries

All deliveries are scheduled between 5:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Your courier will send you automated SMS Text notifications when your order is on its way, when the driver is
approximately 1 hour and 5 minutes away.

We remind you that an adult 19 years or older with government-issued identification must be available to sign for the
package upon delivery at your address.

Your purchase will arrive in a plain, non-descript bag or box. Please make sure it’s immediately put in a safe place
and away from children and pets.


This Tracking Service is offered as a courtesy service to customers placing orders for products from the Ontario Cannabis Store (“OCS”).

You track your package by using your item tracking number. This allows you to monitor the delivery status of your package, based on the information provided to Domain by the carrier of the package (“Carrier”) and for which information only the Carrier is responsible.

You must use the proper tracking number provided to you at the time of your order to track your package. Any errors in the inputting of your tracking number will result in inaccurate information.

By providing this courtesy tracking service, Domain does not provide any warranty, guarantee or promise, express or implied, in connection with any delivery, transportation or carriage of your package, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties. You acknowledge and agree that deliveries of all orders and products are subject to Carrier’s terms and conditions, including Conditions of Carriage, and you agree to those Terms and Conditions, including (without limitation) any limitations or exclusions of liability contained therein. Carrier is responsible for the delivery of your package, and the information posted on this Tracking Service is for information only without any warranty, guarantee or promise, and reflects only that information which Carrier has provided to Domain.

Note that several things may delay delivery, including incorrect address, refusal to accept delivery, item is unclaimed, item is returned to sender or otherwise deemed undeliverable, and/or force majeure (acts of God) events (including without limitation weather, transportation or delays, demonstrations, public outages, etc.), and other circumstances beyond the Carrier’s control, including customer errors.

Domain is not liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary, in connection with any delivery or tracking error, or for any other loss, damage or delay caused by events it cannot control, including any force majeure type events, or any delays due to errors in information provided by customer or Carrier, or contents of any package.

To the extent necessary to track your package, by sending or receiving a shipment, or inputting your tracking number for tracking purposes, you consent to the (a) collection, use or disclosure of personal information about you by OCS, Domain and/or the Carrier and (b) disclosure of personal information about you to Carrier, recipient, OCS and/or Domain, as the case may be.